Take control of your job search
All hiring begins with a problem
Every hiring manager has a problem they need to solve. The whole point of hiring is finding someone who can solve that problem.
So why, then, do most interviews focus almost exclusively on you, the candidate? And why does every interview feel like a test…one you’re destined to fail?
The interview process is designed this way.
to weed out instead of include
to create an imbalance of power that makes you feel inadequate
But it doesn’t have to be this way…
Isn’t it time you were in charge of your job search and career?
I’m here to help you get hired
After years of experience in recruiting, I was fed up with all the flaws in the hiring system. It’s designed to find fault in each candidate, not potential. So I developed a process that helps you get hired for what you can do, not just what you’ve done.